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Post Views: 17
Post Views: 7 Close up video of the arowana from in-tank camera. Shot with a Mofily YoCam.
To get my tank to recover, I am replanting the tank in phases. Starting about 4 weeks ago with Elatine triandra which is fondly known as Ah Pek Plant (APP) in Singapore. Once planted, the Elatine immediately flourished. Elatine is a very fast-growing plant and is a nutrient hog. It grows very fast with lots of fertilisers (including CO2) and light. At the same time, once fertilisers are lacking it melts very fast.
Read More »When I started this tank, I added Nerite snails as part of the algae crew. There were some concerns that they will end up as Arowana snacks as I’ve seen my previous Arowana chomping on something and saw what I thought were snail shell fragments dropping from its mouth. Still, I decided to try out the Nerites as they are somewhat larger than the pest snails in my previous tank and have much thicker shells. Unfortunately, I never got to find out as the snails died before the Arowana was introduced. Thinking that my tank conditions were not suitable for snails, I never got new snails till now.
Read More »It has been a while since the last update. The arowana is growing well, but the plants can do better. Frankly, the main reason for the lack of updates is the less than ideal condition of the plants and algae situation.
I’ve been getting an alga that forms a film on the leaves and hardscape, then dies and turns brown and hard. Also getting the green dust algae (GDA) on my glass. No one apparently has found a good solution for GDA besides lots of Bristlenose Plecos (BN). WIth my aggro arowana, more algae eaters is not really an option. Would really love to put in 10 more BN, or 2 platoons of Otos.
Read More »Post Views: 35 One of the L183 Starlight Bristlenose Plecos grazing in the open, before the arowana was added and it drove them to hide. The video was when they were about 1.5 inches. Now they are about 3 to 3.5 inches long and seem to venture out more often than before. Hopefully, as they get bigger they […]
Post Views: 7 A short video of my Red Arowana taking a pellet from my fingers.
Post Views: 19 A brief update of the arowana. A few months ago, its cheeks started to ‘rust’ (i.e. develop its namesake colouring). The rusting is progressing well, with most of the lower rows of scales rusting at the rims.
I have just migrated the blog to WordPress software. I’m still messing around with the formatting and settings etc.